October 13, 2005

Freedom To Marry

It appears the theocrats attempting to stop gay marrage are really clutching at straws and lieing. They now claim that gay marriage will automatically lead to the legalisation of poligamy (personally I have no problems with poligamy). They base this on what they claim, wrongly, has happened in Holland. It turns out that a group of a man an two women have created a private contract between themselves but not recognised by the state so that they all have the equivalent rights as if they where a married trio. This is not a legal marriage, and has nothing to do with hgay marriage civil partnerships. It is simply a contract, gay couples have in the past been forced to use similar contracts so that they can do things like visit a partner in hospital or make sure that their partner will be properly acknowleged in their will. But a contract like this is not a marriage contract.

Interestingly by going this path they unwittingly destroy one of their other arguements, that marriage is about the production of offspring which a gay couple cannot easily do. However if the proble mwas breeding then there should be no problem with poligamy since by having more females a group will be able to breed faster. A single male being easily able to produce enough sperm very few days to satify his purpose, but it requires many months of the female's time before she can actually pop the sprog. But since they are against poligamy as well marriage must be about something more than breeding.


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